Kamis, 07 September 2017

3 Tips Ban Dalam Motor Awet

Halo para pemilik dan pengendara motor. Sebel kan rasanya kalau pas mau dipakai tiba-tiba ban dalam motor dalam keadaan kempes? Apalagi kalau sudah terburu-buru, pasti deh kesel banget rasanya. Hal ini sering saya rasakan. Makanya saya ingat-ingat apa saja sih yang menyebabkan tiba-tiba ban kempes karena bocor. Berikut ini saya sampaikan 4 tips agar ban dalam motor awet sehingga tidak sering kempes karena bocor.

class="MsoNormal"> Yang pertama, sering periksa kondisi ban dan jaga tekanan ban agar tidak terlalu kempes. Jadi jika ban terasa kurang keras segera tambah angin ke tukang pompa. Eits, emang apa pengaruhnya ban yang lembek / terlalu kempes terhadap kebocoran ban dalam? Okey, jika tekanan ban kurang maka ban akan menjadi melebar ke samping dengan kondisi seperti dilipat menjadi dua bagian atas dan bawah. Dalam kondisi ini akan menyebabkan bagian samping dari ban dalam menjadi lebih mudah sobek / retak, sehingga kemungkinan bocor lebih besar. Jika kebocoran ban di samping ban dalam maka salah satu sebabnya kemungkinan ban sering dibiarkan dalam kondisi kempes / kurang tekanan angin dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama.

Tips kedua agar ban dalam motor awet adalah dengan mengganti ban luar ketika sudah waktunya harus diganti. Apa ciri-cirinya ban luar harus diganti? Jika ban luar sudah kelihatan gundul maka menandakan ban luar sudah saatnya diganti. Emang apa pengaruhnya ban luar terhadap kebocoran ban dalam? Pada ban luar terdapat beberapa buah kawat kecil di dalam ban luar. Ketika ban luar sudah tua biasanya ada kawat yang sudah putus, sehingga ujungnya menyembul ke permukaan dalam dari ban luar tersebut, sehingga tidak jarang menyebabkan bagian samping dari ban dalam tertusuk ujung kawat tersebut dan wal hasil ban dalam menjadi bocor. Ini juga menyebabkan kebocoran di bagian samping dari ban dalam.

Tips ketiga, hindari berkendara motor turun dari aspal jalan, jadi hindari berkendara motor di bahu jalan yang biasanya berpasir atau berkerikil. Emang apa pengaruhnya berkendara motor turun dari aspal terhadap kebocoran ban dalam? Ini alasannya. Di bagian bahu jalan yang biasanya berpasir dan bererikil di sinilah biasanya berkumpul paku-paku dan potongan-potongan kawat. Sehingga kemungkinan ban tertusuk potongan kawat atau tertancap paku menjadi lebih besar. Jadi kalau mau turun ke bahu jalan usahakan sekali-sekali saja dan itupun dalam kondisi terpaksa memang harus turun dari aspal, jadi jangan dibiasakan berkendara di bahu jalan.

Itulah 3 tips ban dalam motor awet sesuai dengan pengalaman penulis dalam berkendara motor. Tapi mungkin ada tambahan tips dari para pembaca, maka bisa menambahkan di kolom komentar. Semoga 3 tips ban dalam motor awet bisa bermanfaat bagi para pembaca para pengendara motor seperti saya.

Jumat, 01 September 2017

Printer Color

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Printer Color – Which One You Choose
By Legiman

If you will print full-color documents such as photographs of the albums, or documents with colorful picture, etc, then you need a printer color. But there are two types of color printer, the inkjet and laser color printer. There are many models of each color printers.In addition there are also many color printer brands on the market, there are Canon, HP, Epson, Brother, Dell, NEC, IBM, LEXMARK, XEROX, ZEBRA, FARGO, etc.. So what type of color printer should you choose? Then, from the type, model and brand of printer color which one suits you to use?

In general, color laser printer has a higher printing speed, quality and higher resolution when compared with the type of inkjet printer color. But they have a larger physical size and the price is more expensive when compared with the type of inkjet color printers. The color laser printer needs color laser cartridges, while inkjet printer color needs inkjet cartridges. The color laser printers and the color laser cartridges usually have very expensive price. However the color inkjet printer and the inkjet cartridge are relatively cheaper than the laser one.

Of course you can not immediately decide to buy the type, model and brand of a particular printer color before you think to what exactly your color printer will be used for. Do you want to use color printer for home or office, what you are going to print with printer  color, how many pages will you print in a day, etc.

Many things you should consider before deciding to buy a printer color. Consideration is more emphasis on your needs, so that the cost you may spend for color printers will be effective and not waste the money, and certainly meet with the printing results you expected.

The first thing you should consider is how much budget is available for your printer color. The bigger budget you prepare of course will be able to obtain the better quality printer. Because each printer color models have different levels of price in accordance with the quality offered.

The next thing is how good the print quality you need. This certainly relates to what type of document you will print. If you need to print images such as photo albums, of course, will require printer color with good print quality. However, if you will print for example page from the internet, certainly did not need a printer color with excellent quality.

And no less important is how many pages you need to print. If you only need to print several pages in a day the inkjet printer color will be suitable for you. But if you need to print hundreds of pages in a day then you need to color laser printers. Because laser printers can print more pages than inkjet printer color. And still there is anything else you need to consider in choosing a printer color that we'll write in another post.

Kamis, 31 Agustus 2017

Cartridges Ink

Cartridges Ink Choises
By Legiman

Similar to printer laser cartridges, cartridges ink were also the printer supplies that were removable; they were what provide the printers with the liquid ink both color and black ones to send the images and texts to the paper. The difference between of them is that cartridges ink were used in inkjet printers, while printer laser cartridges were used in laser printers. In addition, if printer laser cartridges contained the ink powder (toner), while cartridges ink contained liquid ink.

Like the printer laser cartridges, cartridges ink were also the supplies of printers (inkjet printers) that quite expensive, so most of the cost of printing was the price of these supplies. If you only printed a few pages of sheets in a day the ink cartridges may not seem so expensive. But if you printed several hundred pages of sheets a day it would be deeply felt that the cost of inkcartridges were very expensive. In several months the price of cartridges ink that you use would be more than the price of the printer itself.

IN;">Printers that use the originalcartridges ink were suitable for printing documents that require a good quality color such pictures or photos. They could not print the pages in large numbers as well as laser printers that use laser cartridges. Therefore, if you would only print documents that were not in color and in large numbers then you were better to use the laser printers which using the laser cartridges.

Every inkjet printer has each type of cartridges ink which has been designed specifically for a particular printer brand and model. Cartridges ink from each brand and model of your printer usually could not be exchanged. So if the cartridges ink run out, then you should buy the appropriate kind of ink with the brand and model of printer. If not then you would get an error message and your printer would not be operated.

There were four types of cartridges ink on the market, namely the OEM cartridges (original ink cartridges), compatible cartridges, remanufactured cartridges and refilled ink cartridges. The OEM cartridges ink was produced by the original printer manufacturer. This type of cartridges ink was the most suitable for your printers. Compatible cartridge was the second kind that produced by third party specifically for matching with OEM criteria. This type was a little less expensive than the OEM type with good enough quality. A third option is remanufactured cartridges ink which was usually as recycled cartridges and with inexpensive price. And choice of cartridges at low prices was the refilled cartridges. However, not all cartridges could be refilled.

Now which kind where you should select, of course, depends on your needs. If you needed to print pages with a nice color like the photos, then you need the original cartridges ink. However if you needed to print a page that did not need a good color then you could use a compatible or remanufactured cartridges ink. Howevef if you needed to print many page that did not need color and in large numbers then you needed to use the type of laser.

Tips on choosing a notebook

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Tips on choosing a notebook
There are many different brands notebooks are available in the market. From the start the price is very cheap to very expensive prices. With so many options available in the market, of course requires you to be smart and observant choose the most suitable notebook or appropriate for your needs. The definition fits between people with each other certainly different. Including the right for me, not necessarily well suited for you.
I'll give some tips on choosing a good notebook, appropriate or can accommodate all your wishes.
Here are tips on choosing a notebook:
1. Processors. Processor as the brains of the computer that determines the speed of access to a computer is an important factor that you should see. However, should the processor specs you'll want to adjust to the needs or applications that you will use later. Performance standards for the current processor is a type of Celeron or Core Duo. This type of processor is sufficient for the use of internet and office applications. But when you use the computer for a higher purpose such as for graphic design, video editing and gaming, choose a high-performance processors such as the type of Centrino, Core 2 Duo, or output the latest Intel Core type series I like i7, i5, and I3.

2. Memory. Memory or RAM (random acces memory), the more memory the better it will be the performance of a notebook. For standard usage, with a capacity of 4Gb of memory is more than enough. But whenever possible, use a larger capacity, especially for design activities, games, and video editing.
I will write the next tips on choosing a notebook in the next posting.
To be continued…

Senin, 28 Agustus 2017

Printer laser cartridges

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Which Printer Laser Cartridges You Should Choose?
By Legiman

Printer laser cartridges were the laser printers supplies that were removable; they were what provide the printers with the ink powder (carbon powder for black cartridges) to send the images and texts to paper. This type of printer laser cartridges contained powder ink, plastic particles and either black or some other types of coloring. They were usually inserted into certain place in the laser printers (usually there were certain signs in the printers where the printer laser cartridges should be inserted) and work in conjunction with electro statically charged particles and heat rollers to deliver images and texts to paper.

Printer laser cartridges were usually quite expensive, so most of the cost of printing was the price of these supplies. Therefore you had to be very careful in the use of these supplies so that you spent your money comparable to the results of printing you expected. If you were not correct in the handling of these supplies will be in vain total costs you had to spend, because it was not comparable with the results.

There were several things you could make the considerations in dealing with this printer laser cartridges, from whether to use the OEM laser cartridge (Original Equipment Manufacturer laser cartridge) , using the compatible one, the remanufactured one, or use the refilled one. Which printer laser cartridges would you select, of course depends on your needs. Did you need a very good print quality, or not really need a good print quality but only need to be able to print as much as possible; this would determine which type of printer laser cartridges that were suitable for you to use.

If you would print the documents which were very important and need to be stored in a very long period of course you need a very good printing results. In this case the OEM printer laser cartridges were the right choice for you. Because OEM products usually offer very good results, however you had to be willing to pay a premium price for these results. By using OEM printer laser cartridges you also made your printer device to be more durable in addition to getting excellent results. However you had to pay a price that was quite expensive for the printer laser cartridges.

If you would print a less important document and would only be used by your own internally, such as checklists, which would only be discarded immediately after you checked them or you store just for a while. and you need to print these documents in very large quantity, so you did not need very good printing results, then refill products of printer laser cartridges was the right choice for you. However these refill products would make your printer becomes a little more rapid deterioration. However, the printer laser cartridges cost savings would be still higher when compared with the damage to your laser printer.

Then which type printer laser cartridges you should use, the original cartridiges, the comptible, the remanufactured or the refilled laser cartridges? Of course depend on the printing results you need.